Casey Jones Distillery "The Grandfather" Still Unveiled at 2022 American Distilling Institute Conference by Specific Mechanical
All new “The Grandfather” still unveiled at the American Distilling Institute conference in St. Louis.
The Grandfather
We are excited to reveal our brand new, one-of-a-kind authentic square pot still, "The Grandfather". The still is the result of a months long collaboration with Specific Mechanical in an effort to honor the tradition and heritage of Casey Jones and bring our production capability into the future.
Casey Jones Distillery alongside Specific Mechanical team in front of “The Grandfather” still.
Something More
While Specific was crafting our new 1000-gallon hybrid pot still, we couldn’t help but think that we needed to do something more… Something that spoke to the tradition and heritage of Casey Jones.
After careful consideration, we decided to approach Specific about creating a modern day, industrial grade square pot still.
Naming plaque on “The Grandfather” still.
The Challenge
The unique design came with real challenges but completely excited and engaged the engineering team. After some debate Specific decided to move forward with the opportunity with the goal of releasing the finished still at this year’s American Distilling Institute conference.
Etched port on “The Grandfather” still.
Building the Still
Specific Mechanical modeled “The Grandfather” after the 140-gallon square pot still handmade by Master Distiller, Arlon "AJ" Casey Jones. The engineers used photos of AJ's still as a design reference and worked with AJ to recreate the icon square shape as pioneered by the Distillery's namesake.
Temperature gauges on “The Grandfather” still.
Looking Forward
"The Grandfather" is a one-of-a-kind industrial grade 200-gallon square pot still. It will be transported to Casey Jones Distillery where it will be installed alongside the 1000-gallon Specific Mechanical hybrid pot still. It will primarily be used to finish award winning, bourbon, barrel cut, and moonshine spirits and maintain the signature flavor and authenticity that are core to the distillery's operations.
Master Distiller Arlon “AJ” Casey Jones admiring “The Grandfather” still.
“Do you remember that first new car you bought. Well this was 10 times better. The only thing missing was that new car smell but that will come with first batch we run on it. Casey would be grinning from ear to ear and he would still be thinking how to improve the next one.”
Arlon Casey Jones